Together In Motion Indiana

Our Opportunity
From autonomous vehicles to smart curbs, the technologies poised to change how we move are numerous and existing. With local stakeholders, TMF is establishing the Together in Motion Indiana initiative where stakeholders can collaborate to test mobility innovations for interoperability to facilitate overall movement of people and goods. What new advanced mobility technologies and services can be integrated into the existing transportation ecosystem to make cities better places to live and work?
OuR Approach
In 2020, the Toyota Mobility Foundation designated Indiana as its first Together in Motion site in the United States. The Together in Motion initiative, established in collaboration with the Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) and Energy Systems Network (ESN), aimed to foster innovation through industry partnerships and propel research and development in advanced mobility technologies in Indiana. TMF established the Together in Motion initiative in support of Toyota’s mission of Mobility for All and commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, in this case to the Goal # 11 of Sustainable Cities and Communities. Together in Motion supported deployments focused on improving overall movement of people and goods to validate their role in the changing mobility ecosystem. Designed with local community input, this human-centered framework facilitated implementation activities and commercialization of an array of cooperative options.
There are two past deployments under the Together in Motion Indiana umbrella:
- Autonomous Vehicle Shuttle | May Mobility provided an autonomous vehicle shuttle service to facilitate movement of people from an existing Bus Rapid Transit station to the western side of downtown Indianapolis and then in the Nickel Plate District around downtown Fishers, IN. May Mobility utilized Lexus RX450h vehicles equipped with May Mobility’s autonomous technology
- Contactless Delivery | Udelv launched a Toyota Sienna upfitted with their uPod technology – which was an automated cargo pod – to facilitate a goods delivery pilot in the near east side neighborhood of Indianapolis. Partners that moved goods with this new technology included Southeast Community Services and HATCH for Hunger
- June 21, 2021
- May 31, 2022
- Assess new mobility technologies and services
- Validate the interoperability of systems new and old
- Utilize implementation opportunities to inform local decision makers for infrastructure planning and investment
- Answer questions about new mobility technologies and services for cities, transit authorities, and other stakeholders